Brian Crombie, and his partners with Crombie Capital Partners (, provide activist practitioner-oriented strategic and financial consulting services to Firms, Venture Capitalists, Private Equity, Lawyers and Banks and Family Investment Offices.

Crombie Capital Partners provides advisory services to Firms which may be challenged to obtain funds from more traditional sources such as banks and public markets or need assistance in selling, licensing, divestments or joint ventures. We provide due diligence, negotiation, investor relations and financing assistance to those Firms and others to assess ability to access and repay such financing.

Crombie Capital Partners provides part time contract management services to firms which want an activist financial and strategic partner with substantial management experience, knowledge and breadth as Acting / Part Time Chief Financial Officer, Board Member, Investors Representative or financial / strategic consultant. Crombie Capital Partners include several consultants with varied experiences and expertise that partner with Brian Crombie to deliver consulting services.

Crombie Capital Partners takes a generalist approach across businesses but has developed experience and intellectual capital in the pharmaceutical, biotech, green tech, beverage and sports and entertainment businesses based on experience with Firms such as the Ottawa Senators, PurGenesis Technologies, Steel Rail Entertainment, Biovail Corporation, The Jim Pattison Group, The Molson Companies, The Walt Disney Company and Keg Restaurants.

Crombie Capital Partners endeavours to establish long term mutually beneficial partnerships with our clients. We want to help you grow, and to do so profitably and sustainably. Crombie Capital Partners combines deep practitioner experience with academic rigor based on twenty-five years of corporate experience and deep academic credentials, HBA Ivey, MBA Harvard and DBA ABD ISM – A Practitioner-Scholar.